Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.
All fee arrangements must be made at the time of registration.
We accept VISA & MasterCard.
In person during office hours at our studio location.
You can pay by credit card or check.
Payment Options
We offer three ways for you to pay for classes.
ONE PAYMENT: Full payment due on Registration (5.0% Discount)
TWO PAYMENTS: One-half at Registration, one-half February 1, 2023 (3.0% Discount)
MONTHLY PAYMENTS: TEN Monthly payments beginning with Registration month (September through June 2023)
Family Discounts
5% Discount for second and third child(ren) when enrolling 2 or more children
One FREE Month for all 3 year olds
Make-up Classes
Make-up classes are available to ALL students. There are no refunds, adjustments or pro-rata discounts given for discontinued or missed classes. If a student withdraws after the first week, you are responsible for payment for the remainder of the month.
General Information
Classes begin in September and run through June. On average there are three classes per month - this includes all holiday and weather closings, rehearsals and show days.
Refund Policy
Please email before the first of the coming month to avoid automatic charge for tuition. Tuition fees will continue to be deducted until the studio receives your email.
​Age Requirement Policy
Studio J is committed to providing programming for students of all ages from 18 months to and including adults. Special discounts are available to adults who register along with a child.
Other Fees
New Student Registration Fee: $25 (one-time)
Adult Drop-In Class Fees
One Class Fee : $16
5 Class Card : $70
10 Class Card : $120
NOTE: Adult Class Cards expire after one year.